It is the aim of The Dental Café to provide quality dental care to our patients and to use clinical time effectively. To achieve this aim, we have an appointment cancellation policy.
We require a minimum of 48 hours’ notice to cancel an arranged appointment. Failure to give the appropriate notice of cancellation or not attending your appointment will result in a failed appointment fee.
The fee charged is £50.00 per 30 minutes of the appointment failed for the Dental Hygienist and £100.00 per 30 minutes of the appointment failed for the General Dentist. Failed appointment fees are in place to cover the cost of the surgery time wasted.
All deposits are subject to a 10% administration charge should a refund be requested regardless of the amount of notice for cancellation received.
Failed appointment fees must be settled before any other appointment is offered. Please note it is down to the dental care professional if further appointments can be booked for any late cancellations or missed appointments.
Late for Appointments
The Dental Café understands that being late for appointments can sometimes be unavoidable. If you are more than 10 minutes, please be aware that you may be asked to reschedule your appointment.
It is our aim to telephone or write to patients after a missed appointment to understand the reason and to inform them of any fee or decision regarding their dental care.
Any appeals about missed or cancelled appointment decisions by a patent should be made in writing to the Practice Manager.
This policy was written by:
Leah Lancashire Operations Manager
Approved by:
Clare Robinson Director
April 2023.
Review date April 2024.